NOTE: The jam version has a bug that crashes while loading new levels. We recommend playing the browser instead. And there are only 3 levels.

Mokou has lost all her memories. So as per a certain someone's suggestion, she goes on the journey to retrieve the Five Impossible Treasures, because why the hell not?

The game was hastily put together in 3 days by a bunch of first-timers, so everything is still very incomplete.  But we have more future plans for this project, so please give a follow if you're interested! 

How to play: 

WASD: Movement

Left Mouse: Melee attack

Right Mouse: Ranged attack (consumes your HP)

Q: Switch your current fairy

E: Activate your current fairy

Goal: Get to the treasures hidden inside a chest, while avoiding detection from others.  

The Opposite of Goal:

Everytime an enemy sees you, they will either:  slam their body onto you and make you lose 1 HP; or run towards the nearest alarm. If you die or they ring an alarm, the alarm level will be increased by 1. You lose when it reaches 5.


Each melee attack deals 1 dmg to the enemies, knocks them back, and stuns them if they aren't dead. Each ranged attack comsumes 1 HP and deals 1 dmg to the nearest enemy. If you hit an enemy with your bullet, then kill that enemy with a melee, you'll heal by 1 HP.

When you lose all your HP, you'll revive and  knocks all nearby enemies away, but then again, the alarm levelwill go up.

Your fairies:

In every stage, you'll have 4 chances to activate your fairies. You can activate the same fairy mutiple times. It's dangeous to go alone, take them.

Cirno (costs 1 chance): freezes everything around you for 3 seconds.

Clownpiece (costs 1 chance): throws a lure at your indicated position (using left mouse) for 10 seconds.  It does not affect whistleblower enemies.

Sunny Milk (costs 1 chance): makes yourself invisible for 6 seconds. Attacking during this will blow your cover.

Luna Child (costs 2 chances): reduces the alarm level by 1.

Star Sapphire (costs 2 chances): gives you 1 more chance for each enemy you kill, in 8 seconds.


Programming: Strayboolet, Harlow Nylvesky

Designing: Strayboolet, Ceri

Writing: Shinka

Art: Strayboolet, Ceri, Xoắn Twist


Music under Creative Commons License by Peritune and Zikweb

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorsStrayBoolet, Ceri
Made withGodot
TagsFemale Protagonist, Godot, Pixel Art, Stealth, Tactical, Top-Down, Touhou


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Potential Moko gaem